Using Vitamins, Veggies and Protein to Keep Acne Away

There is a saying. “Nothing tastes as good as being healthy feels.” One of the biggest culprits of causing acne is a poor diet. We live in a day and age where most people are on a very poor diet high in saturated fats, refined sugars, processed junk food, etc.

We all know that these are detrimental to our health yet most of us bury our heads in the sand and ignore what our brains are telling us. If you are prone to acne breakouts and you want to put an end to your acne problems, the first place you should look at it your diet.

The food you eat will have many effects in your body and since you don’t usually know all the ingredients in the processed foods that you buy, you will never know which one is triggering your acne breakouts.

This article will tell you how to consume certain foods to combat and prevent. You already know what foods to avoid. Let’s look at what foods you should be eating.

The body needs vitamins and minerals. Yet, most commercially sold food is nutrient deficient. You will need to eat a diet that has all the right vitamins and nutrients in order to fight acne.

You will need a good vitamin B complex, vitamin C and vitamin E for good skin health. You should also consume minerals such as calcium hydroxyapatite complex, chromium, mineral electrolytes and zinc gluconate to relieve your acne issues.

Once your acne has subsided, you should stop consuming the supplements and try to get your daily dose of vitamins and minerals from food. This will be beneficial in the long run and unlike supplement pills and tablets, a good diet will have no side effects.

Vegetables are another powerful weapon against acne. If you do not like eating vegetables, you may juice them and drink the juice. If you hate drinking the juice, tough luck. Just pinch your nose and gulp it down. Vegetables are too good for you to ignore them and they are very effective against acne.

You should note that you should always drink fresh vegetable juices. Do not buy pre-packaged bottles of carrot juice, etc. Most commercially sold juices are laden with additives and other substances.

Your best bet will be to get a juicer and make your juice at home. Carrot, apple, spinach, beet and celery juices are excellent to consume for good skin health. You should also eat vegetables like cabbages, broccoli, cucumbers, garlic, radishes, green peppers, etc.

All these vegetables will purify your system by washing away waste and maintaining a good pH balance in the body.

Protein is also necessary for good skin and you should be consuming protein from sources such as brown rice, oats, almonds, flax seeds, whole grains, pecans, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, etc.

Meat does contain lots of protein but it is also high in saturated fat. That is why it is best to limit consumption of meat and stick to the grains. Human beings were meant to be on a vegan diet.

When meat is consumed, it tends to rot in our intestines creating toxins that will spread out to the skin and this will lead to acne. So, if you have acne, it’s best to stick with the vegetable proteins. You may eat eggs too.

Once you follow the dietary advice given above, within a short while, you will notice that your skin condition will improve and you’ll be less prone to acne. This should be enough to motivate you to eat healthy and be healthy for life.

Should You Use Isotretinoin to Treat Your Acne?

Most people who hear about Isotretinoin will go, “Iso what???”… “What in the world is that?”

Isotretinoin is a retinoid that is derived from Vitamin A. It has a chemical name that is just as mind boggling, 13-cis retinoic acid. While it is not necessary to know how it is produced or take a degree in chemistry to understand it, you do need to know how it is used to treat acne and if there are any adverse side effects.

Isotretinoin is extremely effective for dealing with severe acne and in most cases, doctors only prescribe it as a last resort when conventional cleansing methods and acne creams fail. This drug is highly potent and should be consumed very carefully.

 Isotretinoin to Treat Acne

It is so powerful that pregnant women who consume it will cause their unborn child to have birth defects in future. This drug must always be prescribed by a doctor and you will need to follow your doctor’s instructions to the letter.

If you’re sexually active while on Isotretinoin, it will affect you should you get pregnant. The best person to talk to in this case, will be your doctor. While Isotretinoin is very strong and does have a few undesirable side effects, it is the last bastion of hope for acnes sufferers who have tried everything else to no avail.

So, how does Isotretinoin work?

Basically, it treats the acne by shrinking the sebaceous glands and reducing sebum production. Since the over-production of sebum leads to clogged pores and infected glands, this is a very efficient way of halting the acne problem from worsening.

The drug is anti-inflammatory and removes comedones which leave the treated skin dry. This will inhibit the growth of the bacteria that causes acne since conditions on the skin are unsuitable for it to thrive.

The doctor usually prescribes Isotretinoin when the acne is severe, may cause scarring or when moderate acne medication seems to have no effect on the patient’s acne condition. Isotretinoin is also prescribed for other skin conditions such as folliculitis, seborrhoea, chloracne and other diseases that have symptoms that resemble acne.

Your doctor will decide on your dosage. This is where things get tricky. Many people think that they can get rid of their acne faster by upping the dosage on their own in the privacy of their home. Do not do this. Let the body convalesce on its own time. You cannot rush the healing process and may do more damage than good. There is no rush.

Since this is a strong drug, your doctor will monitor your progress and schedule future appointments so that they can check if the drug is working and see if there are any adverse side effects.

In most cases, you will start with a small dosage to see if the body is responsive. If the acne shows signs of diminishing, the dosage will be increased. You will need to consume it after eating because the drug needs fat to assist with its absorption into the body. Once again, your doctor will tell you exactly what to do.

There are some side effects that come with Isotretinoin. You may experience dry mouth, dry nose, thinning of hair, fatigue, dry skin, red itchy eyes, sore lips etc. If you experience any other side effects such as muscle aches, difficulty walking, depression, vomiting etc. seek medical help immediately. Do not just bury your head in the sand and expect the side effects to go away on their own.

In conclusion, you should only use Isotretinoin to treat acne if it is very serious. Most people do not have such serious acne. If you have mild or moderate acne, you can definitely make some changes to your lifestyle to prevent breakouts and use normal acne medication to alleviate your problem.

Learn How Food Has an Effect on Your Acne

The ancient Greek Physician, Hippocrates, once said, “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” Since he is not alive to ask, let’s just assume he was talking about acne.

All levity aside, the food you consume has a very strong impact on the condition of your acne and for many acne sufferers; their pimples may be a direct result of the food that they eat. The ingredients in the food could be the trigger factors that are causing the sebaceous glands to work in overdrive.

Learn How Food Has an Effect on Your Acne

There is absolutely no doubt that just by changing your diet and going on a clean, wholesome diet, your acne problems will get better. Not only that but all other potential health issues such as obesity, yeast infections, unexplained rashes, fatigue, etc. will be prevented to a large extent.

Modern science has still not been able to link acne to the food that you eat. However, instead of waiting for scientific finding and medical conclusions, we should just exercise good ‘ol common sense.

Most of the commercially sold food these days contained additives, preservatives, monosodium glutamate (MSG), refined sugar, etc. Most of these ingredients are not good for the body at all. Yet, we blindly consume them with nary a thought for the havoc that they may wreak on our internal system.

It has been shown the MSG causes migraines. If it can do that, why wouldn’t the other detrimental additives affect you as far as acne is concerned?

They will affect you adversely by stimulating the sebaceous glands to secrete more sebum than necessary. The human body is a complex mechanism and different people react to foods differently. That’s what makes it so difficult to establish a connection between acne and the food you eat.

Someone who gorges himself on junk food may not have a single pimple but may be severely obese. Another person may be able to eat the same amount of junk food without gaining weight but have a face with enough pimples for a blind man to read their face.

The best way to see if the food you eat is affecting your acne will be to start a food journal and record down what food you are eating and see what are the effects. Eliminate foods that have caffeine in them because caffeine is a stimulant.

Avoid sugary foods and desserts that are high in refined sugars. Avoid white flour products such as white bread and pasta. Avoid fried foods, processed foods that are sold in boxes in the supermarket, foods with artificial flavors and preservatives and sodas.

Water is your best friend. You should not be drinking anything else other than water and lots of it. Skip the dairy products such as milk and cheese too.

Try not to get too much salt in your diet because the iodine in salt has been known to cause acne.

You’re probably thinking, “But if I avoid all these… what then do I eat?”

A good question. You will need to consume nutritious foods such as vegetables, eggs, meat, fruits, etc. We all know what the healthy foods are. We just don’t like eating them because they’re bland.

Get a good cookbook and learn to whip up tasty dishes. Go on a Mediterranean diet which has many mouth-watering dishes and is extremely healthy too. Avoid the commercially sold junk food and you will avoid the acne.

Change your diet and you will change your life.

How to Use Fruits to Combat Acne Effectively

You may have heard the saying, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away”. It’s true yet so few abide by it. This is a daily habit that should be done without fail. You can’t suddenly remember and eat all 7 apples on Saturday and expect to get the job done. It doesn’t work that way.

Nowadays, most people place more emphasis on taste over substance. The junk food, fast food, sugary desserts, mouth-watering chocolates, refreshing sodas, etc. have become a staple part of the daily diet.

Fruits and vegetables have taken a back seat and become an afterthought. This could be one reason why obesity has become an epidemic and society these days is sicker than it has ever been.
How to Use Fruits to Combat Acne Effectively

There have been more acne cases over the past decade than there have been for years before that. This is due to the poor food choices and high stress levels in life today.

One way to remedy the situation will be to make eating at least two servings of fruit a daily habit. This is especially beneficial if the fruits are red or orange in color. There is a plethora of benefits associated with the regular consumption of fruits.

Skin problems, constipation, health disorders, nutrient deficiencies, lack of energy, etc. can all be prevented just by eating the right fruits.

To start off, you can start eating apples. The saying may only recommend 1 apple a day but since you have acne, you may go ahead and eat 3 to 4 apples a day. Preferably one before each meal. Always consume your fruits before the meal and not after.

It is best to eat organic fruits because the pesticides used on non-organic fruits may be acne triggers depending on your constitution.

Apples are rich in ascorbic acid, bioflavonoids, fiber, pectin, quercetin, minerals, and vitamins. The pectin in the apple skin will also prevent constipation just like how apricots prevent constipation. Speaking of apricots, those are excellent for consumption too.

Let’s not forget bananas that have so many nutrients that you just cannot afford to leave it out of your diet. However, you shouldn’t consume more than one banana a day. Bananas keep bad bacteria in check and by doing this, toxic acids will not get to the skin and cause acne.

Blackberries and blueberries are also excellent fruits that acne sufferers should consume. Despite their small size, these berries are potent and cleanse the blood and prevent constipation. Blackberries also benefit your kidneys and promote good skin health. Blueberries have been shown to be effective against various skin disorders such as eczema, acne and psoriasis.

Other good fruits to consume will be cantaloupes, cherries, figs, grapefruits, grapes, mangoes, strawberries and pineapples. Do take note that you are supposed to be consuming fresh fruits and not the fruit juices sold in stores. Those are high in sugar, additives and will do more harm than good.

The fruits mentioned in this article are rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals. They will cleanse the body, strengthen the immune system and make you skin healthy. Acne can be prevented to a large extent if your body is in balance and your immune system is strong.

Make fruits a part of your daily diet. Remember that every time you eat or drink, you’re either feeding disease or fighting it.

Discover How to Use Healthy Fats to Combat Acne

There is a saying, “You are what you eat.” This especially holds true when dealing with acne. One of the biggest culprits of acne is a poor diet. It indirectly causes a series of chain reactions within the body that causes acne breakouts.

Remember the old wives’ beliefs that oily foods cause pimples. To a certain extent this is true. Our diets these days are for most part, unhealthy. The use of hydrogenated oils, refined sugars, additives, etc. cause inflammation in the body.
Discover How to Use Healthy Fats to Combat Acne

This leads to the sebaceous glands working in overdrive and releasing too much sebum which in turn will end up clogging the follicles in the skin. Once that happens, the bacteria on the skin will infect the follicles and this will result in acne appearing on the skin.

The acne is just a symptom and is usually the final symptom in a long series of physiological processes. Therefore, since it is a symptom, we should address one of the root causes of it.

One of the best ways to do that will be to get sufficient essential fatty acids in your diet. These fatty acids will help to control the production of androgens which are the hormones that cause the sebaceous glands to secrete excess sebum.

The body requires 3 types of fatty acids. Omega-3, omega-6 and omega-9. When you are deficient in these fatty acids, you will be susceptible to a host of health problems such as bad skin, weak immune system, inflammation, lesions that won’t heal fast, excessive sebum production and larger sebaceous glands.

The best way to remedy this situation will be to consume the essential oils and fatty acids that the body needs. Our current diets are often too high in omega-6 and this throws off the balance of fatty acids in the body.

You should consume foods such as nuts, seeds, oily fish (salmon, sardines, albacore tuna), flaxseed oil, extra virgin olive oil, avocados, pumpkin seeds and walnuts. Dark green leafy vegetables such as spinach, mustard greens and kale are also fantastic sources of essential fatty acids. Popeye wasn’t lying when he said spinach is good for you.

Just by consuming 2 tablespoons of flaxseed oil with your salads or soups will do wonders for your skin. Use extra virgin olive oil in your cooking and you will get more beneficial fatty acids in your system

It may seem like ensuring you consume your daily requirement of fatty acids is just too much effort. It is much easier to just grab the acne cream and slather your skin in it. It’s just as effective right?

It depends. Do you want to deal with acne your whole life? Or do you want to be done with the problem?

Using creams and medication only addresses the symptoms and not the root cause. It’s true that creams and medication are highly effective but they are only good at treating the condition. You must strive to eliminate the problem.

The only way to do this will be to fix the underlying issues such as your diet. The consumption of fatty acids will mitigate any issues in your body that are aggravating it and causing the excess sebum. Since you are targeting the root cause, you will also reduce and eliminate the symptoms gradually.

This is the best way to treat acne. Prevention is better than cure. A wholesome diet rich in fatty acids will be more beneficial than any acne cream in the long run.

Dealing with the Psychological Effects of Acne

Acne causes immense embarrassment to millions of people worldwide. They feel insecure, embarrassed, ugly, unworthy, stressed, etc. when they have acne. Those hardest hit are teenagers who hit puberty.

It can be extremely demoralizing to the teen that has severe acne breakouts while his peers seem just fine. He may even be the butt of many acne jokes in school and this will take a toll on his self esteem. Since acne affects both sexes, females go through the same thing too.

It’s worse for females because all women want to look beautiful and blemish-free. An acne ridden face is not going to be “desirable”. That’s what they believe and when they feel that they’re ugly because of the acne, they get withdrawn and depressed.

Dealing with the Psychological Effects of Acne

The teen years will have an impact on a person’s psyche and mold their character. There are many people who felt insecure in their teens due to acne and much later on in life, even when they are adults and the acne has long gone, they still have low self-esteem and feel “unworthy”.

Most doctors deal with the visual aspect of the problem. By prescribing creams and medications, one may alleviate the acne and cause the pimples to disappear with time. However, no medication can deal with the psychological issues.

If you’re feeling down in the dumps because of your acne, the first thing that you MUST understand is that stress is also a factor that causes acne. You may have notice that you have pimples when you are stressed out or you don’t get enough sleep due to too much work stress, etc.

Why?... Simple. Stress causes pimples.

If you’re upset and feeling sorry for yourself because of your acne, guess what? Your pimples are going to have pimples. You are not helping yourself. You absolutely must have a positive attitude.

Yes, you have pimples and yes they are embarrassing. But guess what? 85% of people will have acne at some point in their life. You are not the sole lucky winner of an acne jackpot. There are millions just like you dealing with the same acne issues.

Now that we have put things in perspective, your next step will be to see what you can do about the problem besides moping in a corner. You could start by washing your face twice daily with mild cleanser.

What? You do that already? Well done. Are you on a clean, healthy diet? You’re not?

Time to change and eat healthy, buddy. As long as you are taking steps to remedy the situation, you will not have time to be sad for yourself. There may be occasions when you’re feeling down, but this is normal. Pick yourself up and keep moving.

Don’t place too much emphasis on your looks which are fleeting at best. Develop an interesting personality. You may be surprised to learn that the actress, Cameron Diaz, has struggled with acne her whole life.
Yet, she is loved by millions. She makes millions and she has that millions dream of.

That in itself is testimony that acne is not the end of the world. Stay strong, stay positive and be proactive at addressing your acne issues. You can prevent and control acne effectively if you do what you need to do.

So, do it.

Bacne… What is it and how do you Get Rid of It?

Acne can appear on the neck, face, shoulders, chest, back, and even upper arms. When the sebaceous glands under your skin start overproducing the oily substance known as sebum, your pores and skin follicles will get clogged or plugged with oil.

The bacteria on your skin that are harmless then go on to infect these clogged follicles. This will result in redness on the skin and pus occurring within the follicle. As the pus builds up, it will swell and that is how pimples appear. The appearance of the pimples is the final stage of the process.

Bacne… What is it and how do you Get Rid of It?

As long as the skin has sebum and bacteria, it will be susceptible to acne. Whether acne affects and individual or not will depend on a host of factors such as diet, genetics, skin sensitivity, etc. It’s anybody’s guess why some people are more predisposed to acne.

Even the part of the body that will be affected by acne varies with each individual. Some people are more predisposed to developing acne on the back. This is called bacne. It is not a medical term… but a common term used by most people.

Bacne treatment is the same as treatment for most other parts of the body affected by acne. It’s just more difficult since you can’t look behind to see the state of your bacne.

The first step you should do is to wash the skin of your back twice daily with a mild skin cleanser. By doing this, you will wash away much of the bacteria that is infecting the clogged follicles. The cleanser will help to clear some of the sebum away too so that there is less chance of more follicles getting infected and exacerbating the situation.

The second step will be to gently exfoliate the skin. Some people may say that this is not a wise idea because the condition may get worse. This is true for the face but the skin on the back is thicker and less sensitive. You may gently use a loofah to exfoliate your skin.

Another step that is helpful but not essential is to soak your back in salt water. If you live close to the beach, spend about 10 to 15 minutes in the sun and salt water. It will do wonders for your skin. Do not do it for too long or you will end up sun burnt and this worsen the acne.

Another thing you should do is wear loose clothing so that you are not sweaty and your skin can “breathe”. Make sure your clothes are clean. This is especially true for women who wear bras that are in constant contact with the skin. Make sure they are clean and not abrasive.

If you have sensitive skin, the detergent you use may be a silent culprit for your condition. Try switching to another brand of detergent that is milder and see if that has any beneficial effect on your condition.

Lastly, you may use acne creams or medication on your back to alleviate the situation.

Always remember that to a large extent, acne can be prevented with proper skin care and a healthy lifestyle. Make the necessary changes to address the root of the problem instead of merely addressing the symptoms. In this way you can eliminate acne from your life permanently.

Acne Vulgaris: What You Really Need to Know

Acne affects over 85% of human beings. That basically means that almost everybody will have some form of acne at some point in their life. Acne mostly occurs during the adolescent years when puberty hits and the body is experiencing wild hormonal fluctuations.

For many people, acne becomes a thing of the past once they hit their adult years. However, there is a large group of people who experience acne throughout their lives. The occasional pimple or full blown breakouts are all acne related.

Acne Vulgaris: What You Really Need to Know

Despite the fact that acne is so prevalent, most people do not know much about it other than it is annoying, embarrassing and they need to reach for the pimple cream. This article will highlight some of the most important facts about acne that you should know.

•    Acne is caused by clogged follicles in the skin that get infected by the bacteria on your skin. This happens when the sebaceous glands overproduce sebum which is the oily substance meant to keep your skin from drying out.

•    There are a few types of acne. Comedonal acne which is the presence of comedones that are either opened or closed but there is no inflammation. Mild acne is when there are a few papulopustules. Moderate acne is a little more serious and there are comedones, pustules and inflammatory papules. When the nodules are larger than 5mm in diameter, scarring will occur. This is known as nodulocystic acne.

•    The type of treatment will depend on the severity and the grade of the acne.

•    There are procedural methods for dealing with acne. There are many commercial products on the market that are actually superficial peels which use either salicylic or glycolic acid. Other methods include steroid injections and manual extraction of comedones.

•    There are oral medications that can be used to treat acne too. The type of pharmacotherapy prescribed will also be dependent on the severity of the acne.

•    Stress, lack of sleep, a poor diet, hormonal changes during the menstrual cycle, etc. are all factors that indirectly cause acne.

•    The best way to cure acne is to prevent it from occurring. While creams, antibiotics and other methods are highly effective for dealing with acne, they are just addressing the symptoms. Only when you address the root cause of the problem can you eliminate it completely.

•    Hormonal therapies can be used to treat acne too. Estrogen may be prescribed to female patients to deal with acne.

•    Washing and cleansing the affected areas twice daily with a mild cleanser will work wonders because the excess sebum and bacteria will be washed away. Hygiene is of paramount importance when treating acne.

Acne while problematic, is not life-threatening. The worst effect of acne is the embarrassment and mental anguish it causes sufferers. They feel like their looks are affected and they are less desirable.

The best course of action will be to maintain a positive outlook because stress just worsens the condition. Next, look at your life closely to see what is triggering your outbreaks. In most cases, there will be a trigger even if your acne is caused due to genetics.

There is always a trigger. Find it, deal with it and you will control your acne problem and even eliminate it.

5 Quick Acne Prevention Tips You Should Implement

Acne can be prevented to a large extent with proper skin care and knowledge of the condition. However, no matter what some people do, the blemishes will keep popping up. Dealing with acne may be a lifelong struggle for some people.

However, even for those with recurring acne, certain tips will reduce the severity of the acne or even prevent it from occurring. Use the 5 tips below to keep acne at bay or to quickly get rid of it should you have acne.

Your diet is everything. You should read that again. The multitude of pressing health problems that society faces these days is mostly due to a poor, unhealthy and detrimental diet. Just about every disease from tinnitus to yeast infections, from migraines to acne… can all be either avoided or alleviated.

5 Quick Acne Prevention Tips You Should Implement

The first thing you should do is to get your diet under control. Eat a healthy and wholesome diet. Avoid processed foods, junk food, foods high in processed sugars. Just by getting your diet in order, you may see a marked improvement in your acne. Your body will be in balance and the sebaceous glands will be less prone to getting over-stimulated and producing excess sebum.

Water. You know what is coming next… drink 10 to 12 glasses of water daily. You must always be hydrated because good skin requires water. Just ask any beauty contestant and they will tell you how important water is in their daily beauty regimen.

When you consume enough water on a daily basis, the toxins will be flushed out quickly and your body will be purified. If there is not enough water, the impurities in your body will spread to your skin and clog the pores. Once that happens, you will have to say hello to acne.

The third tip will be to make sure that you are not nutrient deficient. The food we consume these days are tasty and filling but in most cases, nutrient deficient. The human body requires the right vitamins and minerals for it to have balance and be in good health.

One way to ensure that you are getting enough vitamins will be to focus on a well-rounded diet. As you can see, we are back to the issue about having a good diet. The foods you consume should have vitamins A, B12, B, E, B5, & B6.

If it’s all too much trouble for you to monitor your intake of vitamins, you may always take a multivitamin tablet to compensate for any vitamin deficiencies in your diet. Bear in mind though, it is always better to get your vitamins from food than a pill or tablet.

The fourth tip will be to have a good skin care regimen. If you are prone to acne, you should wash your face twice a day with soap and a mild facial cleanser. This one tip alone will reduce the acne woes of most people. You cannot afford to be lax with your skin care if you have a predisposition to acne.

By washing your face often, you will be clearing away any excess oil and even clear the pores. This will prevent them from getting clogged. The bacteria on the skin will also be washed off and not have a chance to infect your pores. It doesn’t get better than this.

Follow the 4 tips mentioned above and see the difference for yourself. All it takes is a little care and concern for you to keep acne at bay.

4 Natural Remedies for Treating Acne

Most of us have had acne at some point in our lives. It could be the embarrassing pimple on the nose that makes you feel like a circus clown to the acne breakouts that just may leave your cheek looking like the surface of the moon. Acne affects over 85% of people worldwide.

Of course there is a multitude of ways to deal with this problem. You may use over-the-counter treatment creams or consult a doctor and get prescription medication. Whatever the case, you do have options and acne can be treated. It is not a condition that is untreatable.

Bearing that in mind, many people prefer to treat the problem holistically rather than rushing to grab the acne cream. After all, the idea of using a natural remedy to treat a naturally occurring problem does seem more appealing than slathering your face with creams containing chemicals.

The 4 remedies given below will help treat you acne but as expected, the efficacy of these methods will depend on the severity of your acne. If your acne is very bad and people are getting scared just by looking at you, your first course of action will be to see a doctor for some potent medication to get a quick grasp on the problem.

Mild and moderate acne sufferers may give these methods a try and see if they work. You’ll need to experiment with a few to see what works for you. No method is perfect for everyone. So, there is some trial and error involved.

Do give each method some time to see if it works for you. These are not overnight miracle potions.

  1. Mix pure apple cider vinegar with water in the ratio 1:3. One part of apple cider vinegar should be diluted with 3 parts of water.

    This is a highly effective remedy because not only does it balance the pH of your skin due to its alkaline properties but it’s also anti-bacterial. It will kill off the bacteria on your skin that is infecting your clogged pores.

  2. Aloe vera gel is another powerful home remedy that has been used for ages to treat a multitude of problems. It kills bacteria, reduces swelling and inflammation, reduces redness and is soothing to the skin. Apply the aloe vera gel to your affected areas daily to see results.

  3. Baking soda is another miracle product. It is usually used to clean greasy stoves, old coins, tough stains, etc. Guess what? It works for acne too. Don’t panic. It is perfectly safe.

    The same way it removes grease of a stove, it will also clear the excess sebum from your face by drying up the excess oil. Not only that, but it’s anti-fungal and kills off bacteria too.

    You’ll need to mix baking soda and water in equal parts and aim to get a thick paste. Apply the paste on the acne prone areas and leave for 20 minutes before washing away.

  4. Lemon juice is the fourth remedy. It is rich in vitamin C and is an astringent. What that means is that it will dry out the tissues by making them contract. This will start the healing process and the acne will go away on its own. Apply the lemon juice with a Q-tip and rinse away after 15 to 20 minutes.

The above 4 remedies have helped thousands of people deal with acne effectively. Do give them a try and see if they work for you.

4 Acne Skin Care Secrets You Probably Don’t Know About

Acne is one of those health problems that is not life-threatening but is a real pain in the neck to have. Over 85% of people will have acne at some point in their lives, so, this is a widespread problem. Of course, some will have it worse than others.

The biggest problem with acne is that it is embarrassing. This is especially so if you’re an adult since acne is often thought of as an adolescent problem. The truth is that millions of adults suffer from acne too. Some even have it in their thirties and forties.

4 Acne Skin Care Secrets You Probably Don’t Know About

That is no fun at all. However, for the most part, acne can be prevented or in the very least, the symptoms can be made less severe with a few measures such as a good skin care regimen, a healthy diet, proper nutrition, etc. This article will give you 4 secrets that are not so common but highly effective too.

1.    The power of garlic

Don’t let the smell put you off. This is one of nature’s miracle workers. You will need to extract the garlic juice either by squashing it or using a juicer. Then mildly dilute the juice in water and apply the mix on your problem areas.

2.    Wash your pillow case often

Most people will not even think of this but it is a very effective method. If you’re prone to acne, that means that the bacteria on your face is infecting your clogged pores. Even if you were to wash your face twice a day, which is highly effective, you would negate all your efforts by sleeping on a pillow which has bacteria from your face.

Ideally, you should have a fresh, clean pillow case every night. Have 4 or 5 pillow cases so that you have enough time to wash them and dry them out.

3.    Stop touching or picking at your face

You may be surprised at how often you touch your face without even knowing it. The palms of your hands are often hotbeds of bacteria. In fact, one of the best ways to stay healthy is to wash your hands often.

There is a lot of transference of bacteria from objects on to your hands. Door handles, books, money, phones, etc. all have bacteria and most often, you will come into contact with objects held and touched by other people. God only knows what bacteria they are carrying with them.

When you touch your face, you will be transferring the bacteria on your hands on to your face. These bacteria will then infect your pores and cause acne or in some cases even give you the flu and make you sick.

4.    Make a natural mask for yourself

There are many facial masks sold in stores. Most are effective but they do contain chemicals and other active ingredients that you might only know if you were a scientist.

If you have sensitive skin that is acne prone, you are better off avoiding these commercial products and make your own mask instead.

Take one avocado, scoop out the pulp inside and mix it with 1 tablespoon of honey. Keep mashing and blending these 2 ingredients till you have a paste. Then apply the paste to your whole face or whichever part has the acne. Let the paste sit on your skin for 15 to 20 minutes. Wash it off after that and apply a mild moisturizer and you’re done.

The 4 secrets mentioned above are simple but highly effective. Implement them and you will most probably notice that you get acne less often and if you do get it, it will be much less severe.

3 Secrets to Healthier Skin

Acne affects most people at some point in their life. Depending on your genetics, diet, stress levels, etc. you might have the occasional pimple or you might be prone to frequent outbreaks. While not life-threatening, acne sufferers do suffer mental anguish and embarrassment.

It’s worse if you’re an adult because acne is often thought to be an adolescent issue. In reality, acne can affect people at any age and of any gender. In most cases, acne can be prevented with the correct measures. However, most people do not take the effort to find out what they should do to prevent future outbreaks.

 They just reach for the acne cream and medication and hope for the best. This article will show you 3 secrets for healthier. The truth of the matter is that these are not really secrets but common sense. Yet, they are so rarely practiced, they might as well be secrets.

1.    Clean your skin gently

That is the first tip. Your skin is your body’s largest organ. When you have acne, what you really have is a disorder that may affect the neck, face, shoulders, back, upper arms, etc.

Since acne is the result of blocked pores and the result of infected glands, the best way to prevent this problem is with good skin care. If you’re prone to acne breakouts, you absolutely must use a skin cleanser daily. It has to be mild enough so that it does not dry out your skin or aggravate it,

3 Secrets to Healthier SkinWashing your face or skin that tends to get acne twice a day will work wonders. The bacteria that cause the glands to get infected will be washed off. Always dab your skin gently. Many people grab the towel and vigorously rub their face like they are sandpapering a wooden deck chair.

Be gentle. Do not scrub your face or the acne prone areas. It will just exacerbate the situation. You should only use astringents if you have very oily skin. These acid based products will do more harm than good if you use them for skin that doesn’t require their use.

2.    Stop touching yourself

Did that just grab your attention? Don’t get too excited. We’re talking about you squeezing, pinching, poking, prodding and just fiddling around with your acne. It is never a good idea to touch your skin with your hands or pick at pimples.

You do not know what bacteria are on your hands and how they will affect your glands. It’s always a good idea to wean yourself off the habit of touching your face with your hands.

3.    Choose your skin care and cosmetics products wisely

Most people have no idea what ingredients goes into the production of skin care products or cosmetics. Even if they did read the labels, all the chemical names would be Greek to them.

The rule of thumb if you have acne often is to use products that are not oil based. In this way, your pores will have less chance of getting clogged or infected. You want to be looking for products that are labeled as non-comedogenic.

Using the wrong products on your skin can not only have adverse acne effects but over the long run, you may have scarring or other skin problems. Exercise due diligence when purchasing such products.

Just by following the 3 tips mentioned above will do wonders for your acne. Give them a try and see if your acne situation gets better. In most cases, it will.