Dealing with the Psychological Effects of Acne

Acne causes immense embarrassment to millions of people worldwide. They feel insecure, embarrassed, ugly, unworthy, stressed, etc. when they have acne. Those hardest hit are teenagers who hit puberty.

It can be extremely demoralizing to the teen that has severe acne breakouts while his peers seem just fine. He may even be the butt of many acne jokes in school and this will take a toll on his self esteem. Since acne affects both sexes, females go through the same thing too.

It’s worse for females because all women want to look beautiful and blemish-free. An acne ridden face is not going to be “desirable”. That’s what they believe and when they feel that they’re ugly because of the acne, they get withdrawn and depressed.

Dealing with the Psychological Effects of Acne

The teen years will have an impact on a person’s psyche and mold their character. There are many people who felt insecure in their teens due to acne and much later on in life, even when they are adults and the acne has long gone, they still have low self-esteem and feel “unworthy”.

Most doctors deal with the visual aspect of the problem. By prescribing creams and medications, one may alleviate the acne and cause the pimples to disappear with time. However, no medication can deal with the psychological issues.

If you’re feeling down in the dumps because of your acne, the first thing that you MUST understand is that stress is also a factor that causes acne. You may have notice that you have pimples when you are stressed out or you don’t get enough sleep due to too much work stress, etc.

Why?... Simple. Stress causes pimples.

If you’re upset and feeling sorry for yourself because of your acne, guess what? Your pimples are going to have pimples. You are not helping yourself. You absolutely must have a positive attitude.

Yes, you have pimples and yes they are embarrassing. But guess what? 85% of people will have acne at some point in their life. You are not the sole lucky winner of an acne jackpot. There are millions just like you dealing with the same acne issues.

Now that we have put things in perspective, your next step will be to see what you can do about the problem besides moping in a corner. You could start by washing your face twice daily with mild cleanser.

What? You do that already? Well done. Are you on a clean, healthy diet? You’re not?

Time to change and eat healthy, buddy. As long as you are taking steps to remedy the situation, you will not have time to be sad for yourself. There may be occasions when you’re feeling down, but this is normal. Pick yourself up and keep moving.

Don’t place too much emphasis on your looks which are fleeting at best. Develop an interesting personality. You may be surprised to learn that the actress, Cameron Diaz, has struggled with acne her whole life.
Yet, she is loved by millions. She makes millions and she has that millions dream of.

That in itself is testimony that acne is not the end of the world. Stay strong, stay positive and be proactive at addressing your acne issues. You can prevent and control acne effectively if you do what you need to do.

So, do it.