4 Acne Skin Care Secrets You Probably Don’t Know About

Acne is one of those health problems that is not life-threatening but is a real pain in the neck to have. Over 85% of people will have acne at some point in their lives, so, this is a widespread problem. Of course, some will have it worse than others.

The biggest problem with acne is that it is embarrassing. This is especially so if you’re an adult since acne is often thought of as an adolescent problem. The truth is that millions of adults suffer from acne too. Some even have it in their thirties and forties.

4 Acne Skin Care Secrets You Probably Don’t Know About

That is no fun at all. However, for the most part, acne can be prevented or in the very least, the symptoms can be made less severe with a few measures such as a good skin care regimen, a healthy diet, proper nutrition, etc. This article will give you 4 secrets that are not so common but highly effective too.

1.    The power of garlic

Don’t let the smell put you off. This is one of nature’s miracle workers. You will need to extract the garlic juice either by squashing it or using a juicer. Then mildly dilute the juice in water and apply the mix on your problem areas.

2.    Wash your pillow case often

Most people will not even think of this but it is a very effective method. If you’re prone to acne, that means that the bacteria on your face is infecting your clogged pores. Even if you were to wash your face twice a day, which is highly effective, you would negate all your efforts by sleeping on a pillow which has bacteria from your face.

Ideally, you should have a fresh, clean pillow case every night. Have 4 or 5 pillow cases so that you have enough time to wash them and dry them out.

3.    Stop touching or picking at your face

You may be surprised at how often you touch your face without even knowing it. The palms of your hands are often hotbeds of bacteria. In fact, one of the best ways to stay healthy is to wash your hands often.

There is a lot of transference of bacteria from objects on to your hands. Door handles, books, money, phones, etc. all have bacteria and most often, you will come into contact with objects held and touched by other people. God only knows what bacteria they are carrying with them.

When you touch your face, you will be transferring the bacteria on your hands on to your face. These bacteria will then infect your pores and cause acne or in some cases even give you the flu and make you sick.

4.    Make a natural mask for yourself

There are many facial masks sold in stores. Most are effective but they do contain chemicals and other active ingredients that you might only know if you were a scientist.

If you have sensitive skin that is acne prone, you are better off avoiding these commercial products and make your own mask instead.

Take one avocado, scoop out the pulp inside and mix it with 1 tablespoon of honey. Keep mashing and blending these 2 ingredients till you have a paste. Then apply the paste to your whole face or whichever part has the acne. Let the paste sit on your skin for 15 to 20 minutes. Wash it off after that and apply a mild moisturizer and you’re done.

The 4 secrets mentioned above are simple but highly effective. Implement them and you will most probably notice that you get acne less often and if you do get it, it will be much less severe.