Bacne… What is it and how do you Get Rid of It?

Acne can appear on the neck, face, shoulders, chest, back, and even upper arms. When the sebaceous glands under your skin start overproducing the oily substance known as sebum, your pores and skin follicles will get clogged or plugged with oil.

The bacteria on your skin that are harmless then go on to infect these clogged follicles. This will result in redness on the skin and pus occurring within the follicle. As the pus builds up, it will swell and that is how pimples appear. The appearance of the pimples is the final stage of the process.

Bacne… What is it and how do you Get Rid of It?

As long as the skin has sebum and bacteria, it will be susceptible to acne. Whether acne affects and individual or not will depend on a host of factors such as diet, genetics, skin sensitivity, etc. It’s anybody’s guess why some people are more predisposed to acne.

Even the part of the body that will be affected by acne varies with each individual. Some people are more predisposed to developing acne on the back. This is called bacne. It is not a medical term… but a common term used by most people.

Bacne treatment is the same as treatment for most other parts of the body affected by acne. It’s just more difficult since you can’t look behind to see the state of your bacne.

The first step you should do is to wash the skin of your back twice daily with a mild skin cleanser. By doing this, you will wash away much of the bacteria that is infecting the clogged follicles. The cleanser will help to clear some of the sebum away too so that there is less chance of more follicles getting infected and exacerbating the situation.

The second step will be to gently exfoliate the skin. Some people may say that this is not a wise idea because the condition may get worse. This is true for the face but the skin on the back is thicker and less sensitive. You may gently use a loofah to exfoliate your skin.

Another step that is helpful but not essential is to soak your back in salt water. If you live close to the beach, spend about 10 to 15 minutes in the sun and salt water. It will do wonders for your skin. Do not do it for too long or you will end up sun burnt and this worsen the acne.

Another thing you should do is wear loose clothing so that you are not sweaty and your skin can “breathe”. Make sure your clothes are clean. This is especially true for women who wear bras that are in constant contact with the skin. Make sure they are clean and not abrasive.

If you have sensitive skin, the detergent you use may be a silent culprit for your condition. Try switching to another brand of detergent that is milder and see if that has any beneficial effect on your condition.

Lastly, you may use acne creams or medication on your back to alleviate the situation.

Always remember that to a large extent, acne can be prevented with proper skin care and a healthy lifestyle. Make the necessary changes to address the root of the problem instead of merely addressing the symptoms. In this way you can eliminate acne from your life permanently.